Sad Fishe Games

Void Quickening: Expanded Character Void Corruption and Cosmic Mutations
This publication includes 20 new examples of Void Corruption and 20 new examples of Cosmic Mutations to use as your character susccumb to the inevitable end of the universe in Death in Space, doubling the options available to ensure plenty of character variety in Death in Space campaigns.

Expanded Deaths in Space Tables
This publication includes 20 new possibilities for character deaths in space that should have been, but weren't, flashing before their eyes in the seconds before their true deaths. This document is meant to be used in conjunction with the similar table already in the core death in space rules.

Expanded Encounters
This publication includes turns the core tables of Death in Space for Creatures of the Abyss and Corrupted by the void into d20 tables rather than the original d6 and d8 tables. 26 new enemies to encounter: mind-controlling insects, killer radiowaves, corrupted programs, hyperdemensional rats, and more.

Expanded Hub Backgrounds and Quirks
This publication includes 20 new Backgrounds for Station Hubs, 20 new Backgrounds for Ship Hubs, and 20 new Quirks for Hubs generally, doubling the entries available in the core rules to ensure plenty of hub variety in Death in Space campaigns. Stations with uncooperative AI, ships with bloody pasts, Hubs with mysteries, knobs, and the aroma of coffee, and much more.

Extinct Nativity - Expanded Character Origins
This publication includes 30 new Backgrounds to use in character creation for Death in Space, turning the original d6 table into a d66 table to ensure plenty of character variety in Death in Space campaigns.

Refuge Glitch: Cryopod and Bridging Malfunction Supplement
This publication includes 30 new cryopod malfunctions and bridging errors to use when traversing space in Death in Space, turning the original d6 table for each into a d66 table to ensure plenty of disaster variety in Death in Space campaigns.

The Fall of Fenyman's Mining Station
Feynman’s Mining Station is a mining craft that latches onto asteroids and extracts critical celestial metals needed to maintain humanity’s diaspora. The last communication was received from the station ceased two standard days ago.
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