Tools for the Game

Additional Maps for Welcome to the Ring
VTT maps for the introductory Welcome to the Ring adventure.

d100 Spacers for Space Horror
System agnostic, this is an eclectic mix of styles all in black and white/greyscale to fit the aesthetic of Mothership or Death in Space among other space horror TTRPGs. Here are 100 PC/NPC character images for inspiration. Created by me using the Stable Diffusion AI.

d12 Space Pirate
A pack of d12 AI generated profile pictures for the game Death in Space. Good for printing or online, characters or NPC's. Images generated using Stable Diffusion AI by me, and handpicked to keep the best generations.

d66 Avatars
A collection of d66 profile pictures for different char types.

Death Bulletin Board System
Death BBS, the official character generator for Death in Space.

Death in Space for SpaceEngine
Tenebris solar system for the Death In Space RPG recreated within SpaceEngine.

Death in Space sheet for Roll20 VTT
Roll20 character and hub sheets for playing Death in Space.

Death in Space system for Foundry VTT
A Foundry VTT system for playing Death in Space.

Expanded Encounters
This publication includes turns the core tables of Death in Space for Creatures of the Abyss and Corrupted by the void into d20 tables rather than the original d6 and d8 tables. 26 new enemies to encounter: mind-controlling insects, killer radiowaves, corrupted programs, hyperdemensional rats, and more.
Random Tables from Beyond the Void.
This entry was sponsored by mcglintlock as part of the Ex Libris RPG crowdfunding campaign.
This entry was sponsored by mcglintlock as part of the Ex Libris RPG crowdfunding campaign.

Grasshopper Maps
Maps and handouts for the Death in Space RPG scenario Search and Salvage.

Isometric Map Pack
A free collection of isometric point maps for use with TTRPGs!
This is a pack of isometric point maps that you can pick up for free. They are system agnostic, you could use them for dungeons, urban structures, even mountain regions (see a montage below). They are even Creative Commons licensed!

MurkyTime is a system agnostic, turn based, time tracking focused procedure for TTRPGs. You can plug it into most games if you want time to be a factor and to drive players to making meaningful choices. Great for dungeon/hex crawls, but other stuff too!

Radar Screens
Simple VTT radar screens for use with Death in Space RPG.
Each radar screen features the spacecraft confrontation distances from Death in Space.

Random Gig Generator
This is a Random Gig* Generator for the Death in Space RPG.
This is part of an zine ongoing project Back Alley Apocrypha (stay tuned).
*Gig = a job usually for a specified time
This is part of an zine ongoing project Back Alley Apocrypha (stay tuned).
*Gig = a job usually for a specified time
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