6 Additional Origins for Death in Space
6 Additional Origins for Death in Space is a single-page pdf containing six new origins, each with two benefits, for the TTRPG Death in Space

A Consequence of Survival
"A rules-lite list of skills, quirks and phenomena that you can buy with XP."

ACID TRIP is an adventure site with 7-hex features.

In this reality bending horror adventure players
must navigate through Holodoubt station in search
of the missing BLT. During their journey they will
be confronted by virtual illusions that change the
entire station into a dark mockery of itself. They
must navigate through a network of vile drain pipes
while defeating nightmarish automatons in order to
recover the BLT and assemble the key/code to unlock
the exit.

Cesium 66
Trouble is brewing in the Iron Ring sector Cesium-66. The sector leadership, a local branch of the company Licome & Mercury, are challenged by a secretive resistance movement, fighting for better conditions for the workers of the sector. Ever since a tragic reactor accident in the neighboring Rodion sector a few years back, tensions have gradually increased. The recent disappearances of poorer people in the sector now threaten to throw the sector into a violent revolt.
Cesium-66 was originally published in the Thoughts & Prayers zine in 2023 and describes a sector on the Iron Ring that you can use in your DEATH IN SPACE RPG campaign. The Rodion Decayers from the 2024 zine Cut Purse expands it further. Note that this purchase is for a digital version only.

d6 Improvised Weapons for Death in Space
"d6 Improvised Weapons for Death in Space is a melee weapon collection for space hobos and DIY demigods."

Echoes in the Void +the wreck of the CC571+ [REVISED]
Deep in the darkness of space, the derelict battleship Stellar Hyperion CC571 drifts in silence, its history buried in the aftermath of war. The crew of your ship has been hired to retrieve a stolen artifact and the missing scientist who took it. What seems like a straightforward search and rescue mission quickly unravels into a deadly encounter with the ship's grim past.
A Third Party adventure for DEATH IN SPACE.
A Third Party adventure for DEATH IN SPACE.
3 PDFs, all revised from the original publication!

"The memory collecting alien giant assimilates you as new beings into their brain dimension. This place is not quite dream not quite reality, but some terrible gray space between the two."

Grappleoid TERRORS: Monster Mash
"An eight page bestiary featuring a multi-stage creature based on those from [the first three] TREMORS movies, as well as bits of lore, and a few new bonus weapons."

Grasshopper Maps
Maps and handouts for the Death in Space RPG scenario Search and Salvage.

"Bring a rules-lite system for hacking to your Death in Space games. Ties into existing game mechanics for ease of use."

Into the Void
- 8 New Character Origins
- Alternative Combat Rules
- Panic Rules
- Antagonist with Stats.
- Creatures from the Void!

kurir n/a och SOS
kurir n/a och SOS är två pamflett-scenarier till sci-fi-rollspelet Death in Space. Du läser varje på tio minuter, no prep bara att sätta igång och spela. Enkla att konvertera till andra spel i genren om du så önskar.
kurir n/a och SOS är två pamflett-scenarier till sci-fi-rollspelet Death in Space. Du läser varje på tio minuter, no prep bara att sätta igång och spela. Enkla att konvertera till andra spel i genren om du så önskar.

Microgravity Body Stealer
An alien creature of unknown origin.

MISERY's KEEP [is not alive]
A short 8 room dungeon that IS NOT ALIVE and will not gobble you right up
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